6 money-making actions new freelancers should take in 2024

Nadine Heir
3 min readFeb 13, 2024


In my first year going entirely rogue, not relying on one main client for income, I learnt more than I could imagine. I’ll share a summary at the end of this article!

First, I’ll share what you came for: 6 actions I took in 2023, that you can easily emulate to generate an income.

I tested new product offerings

1. Launched an eBook I made a PDF downloadable with a designer. Not considering my time spent, I made back my investment in design and hosting with sales via Gumroad. You can put any service/product on there and they take 5%.

2. Put services on Topmate I found this platform easy to set up, lets me move the prices whenever I want and Topmate takes 5%. It’s been great for testing without doing a load of web design.

I got help

3. Beefed up on-site SEO

I hired an SEO specialist (who has written for Write Wiser, so is pre-vetted) to sort out the Write Wiser site. I needed someone with the bandwidth to do a proper audit. Shanzay found loads of holes and recommended improvements in a matter of days.

4. Delegated work

I began working with a VA to add new LinkedIn connections, find TikTok trends, and manage spam in my DMs. I’ve used Christabella for a lot of other admin tasks too such as uploading blogs, and I’d recommend her 100 times over.

I offered easy-entry services

5. Content audit

It takes me a half day to audit most people’s digital presence, then 1h to present to the client, after which, I either give them copy+pasteable text and recommendations or help them implement the changes. This service allows me to test new clients. I sometimes get bigger projects after, or at least referrals and testimonials.

6. One-page site writing Home and About page writing often attracted side hustlers, some of whom hired me for bigger projects or pulled me into their company’s freelancer pool. Of course, if you do any of these, you have to have an upselling plan. I usually upsell social media calendars and content writing packages which, since they’re recurring needs, can secure several months’ work.

Marketing writing projects I’m most proud of

The speed of growth when you leave corporate is immense. If I hadn’t gone rogue, I wouldn’t have been able to work with everyone from spiritual therapists and impact investors to Coca-Cola and IBM.

I freelanced on the side for years so I knew I could do this, I didn’t know I’d adore doing this.

My 2023 win is that Write Wiser started as my portfolio site, then a communal blog… Now, it’s my business brand and my way to pay it forward to other writers.

Want to take this off Medium, practice your marketing writing, and get featured on Write Wiser? Propose a topic!

Blog originally posted on Write Wiser.



Nadine Heir

To those seeking inspiration, help, or advice through this site, I’m a marketer who wants them to enjoy the same success that words have given me.